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In my private life, I am a daughter, wife and a mother of three wonderful children (two boys and a girl), from which I constantly learn something new. But above all, I am an assumed, self-aware woman who enjoys her own femininity and is in love with Life. I am grateful for who I am, what I have and for everything that I receive and I can also offer. I am grateful for All That Is.


I allowed myself to get to know my shadow and to own it, which made me embrace, acknowledge and accept myself exactly as I am. I am constantly learning and open to knowledge, which makes me be attentive and receptive to every person who goes through my life. I believe that people can learn a lot from each other, if they are present and allow themselves to see beyond masks and appearances.


If I had to choose a principle to guide my choices, it would be that "nothing happens without God's will". Therefore, I trust that things happen for everyone’s best interest. Also, over time, I have learned that Life runs according to the lenses you’re wearing when perceiving it. I always choose to see the sacredness of the things that surround me and even if I do not always see it, in my moments of silence, I become aware of it and change my perspective.

”Sărbătorește-ți Viața” - 2015.

fotograf: Ovi Pîrvu

Jurnal de Cuplu

fotograf: Ovi Pîrvu

Raluca Rusu, Coach & Trainer

NLP Coach, Personal Development Trainer, Mediator,

Personal Development Counselor, ANC approved

Founder & President Edu Evolve Training,

Co-founder and Author at Jurnal de Cuplu

Life Coach, Corporate Adviser

Psychological Profiler

Motivational Speaker

Book Author - „Ghidul Relației de Cuplu

A more extensive description of my professional background: NLP-Coach (Kutschera Institude from Austria), certified ANC trainer, mediator (Transilvam Mediation Institute). I am also Certified Practitioner in Tibetan healing technique Prananadi (grade 2+), Theta Healing, tantric massage. I have been Initiated in Therapy with Angels, Shamanism, Family Constellation, Tarot, EFT, IMAGO Therapy. My approach is focussed on claircognizance, hence my coaching is mostly intuitive.

I studied psychology at The Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca and studied law at Bogdan Vodă University, intending to combine the two disciplines in order to train myself as Profiler. 

Later i became Psychological Profiler, by graduating IntellPsy - Psychological Profiler Academy and Research.

In recent years, I have shifted back to an older passion, completing my studies at the Faculty of Philosophy at UBB, and I am now a PhD candidate in the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Bucharest, specializing in the philosophy of mind, studying consciousness.


In addition to those mentioned above, I attended numerous development courses and trained myself in my field for many years. One of the most important events I participated to was the conference”Celebrate Your Life” in USA, in 2011, where I had the chance to meet important personalities and great authors from the self-development field, such as Gregg Braden, Wayne Dyer, Sonia Choquette, Neale Donald Walsh, Doreen Virtue, Judith Orloff, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dan Millman, Harville Hendrix, Michael Tamura and many many others.


I had the privilege of being speaker at numerous important events in Romania, such as”Sărbătorește-ți Viața”, ”Zen Fest”, ”Yes Week”, ”Decembrie de poveste”, ”Empower”, ”Festivalul Internațional de Spiritualitate - Evoluție Conștientă”, ”Târgul Terapiilor Complementare”, the program for women ”Reinventare Feminină” (vezi webinar), ”Seri Pozitive” - a project of Positive Change Asociation, etc. I published articles for different sites dedicated to women.


I deliver seminars, workshops and courses on different self-development and personal transformation subjectc. Among my frequent projects, I can name ”Meditation Evening”, which is held weekly, and ”Self-healing Methods” intensive course which is held every four or five months, depending on public demand.


My husband and I created the site The site is dedicated to family and romantic relationships. Both me and my husband work with couples, providing couple therapy. We organize events like seminars, conferences, workshops, camps and retreats for couples. 


Raluca can easily connect to her Higher Self, having a very good intuition. She truly leads you to the path to yourself, being sincere, open, warm and generous. She is the coach I personally resonated with. She never gives you advice, or answers your questions about what you should do, but helps you discover your own answer. - Ioana J., Cluj


What did the coaching with Raluca experience mean? Firstly, I received clarity and guidance to create the life I want. I finally got to the point where I built my life according to my rules and I am infinitely grateful for having had the opportunity to work with Raluca. - Roxana, Cluj

After attending Raluca’s sessions, I have made many changes both in my personal and professional life. - Daniel G., Cluj



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